Saturday, October 30, 2010

The Sail

Deborah and two of her friends on the bow.

Deborah and Anna dressed up for Pirate Day. We had a photo scavenger hunt, a flag contest and a dress up contest. It was lots of fun!

We also had a Game Day the following weekend where you made up a team of 4 people and competed in different events. Anna was on a team with 3 of her classmates and here they are being timed while eating a British cereal which was very dry. I can't remember what it is called but I would not choose to eat it. Deborah was on a team with 3 of her friends, I was following Anna around, Ray was reading in the cabin during the games.

And here I am trying to take pictures that show how much we rock back and forth during the sail. I took these next two pictures out one of our cabin windows so you could see the angle of the crane and the horizon. Obviously I was moving with the ship so I had a hard time taking a picture where the horizon was actually horizontal!

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