Wednesday, December 16, 2009

A Decision and More Shots!

We are not leaving in January after all. Our support is going up steadily, we are now at 32% monthly support and depending on the price of our plane tickets we may already be at 100% for our training and airfare. All money sent to Mercy Ships under our designation code of #2626 will be used by us at some point when we need it.

But we definitely do not have enough monthly support for Ray to give his two week's notice on Friday so we are waiting patiently for the next training which is in June.

And then there is the matter of our house. All interest has fallen off and it looks like we will have to go the traditional route and list with a realtor. We were hoping to avoid that and not end up going in the hole financially when we sell the house so you can pray about that with us.

We went ahead and continued with our vaccinations to keep on schedule with our Hep B shots. Last week the four of us had 11 shots, 2 of us had the flu mist and three of us had PPD pokes. Thankfully the two younger members of our family were covered by our insurance but the two older members of the family had to pay out of pocket at the health clinic. We have now paid over $1100 in shots for our family as we prepare to travel. And we have another 5 shots to go (just for Ray and me, the kids are done).

So that is what we are up to right now. We are done suffering and borrowed a bed from friends until we depart. It is much easier to get up in the morning now that I am not crawling out on the floor, ha ha.


  1. Oh dear, I so know what it feels like to be delayed waiting for finances.((((hugs))))) And to have the family vaccination outings - ugh. Praying everything comes together in God's timing!

  2. Hi, I saw your blog on the Mercy Ships blogsite and noticed that you mentioned getting shots in Rochester. Are you in NY? We are going to be joining the Africa Mercy at the end of 2010 (we are planning on doing Gateway in the summer) and have temporarily moved to Gasport, NY, just west of Rochester, from CO until then. Maybe we are nearby?!?!

    Lydia Rich

  3. Yes, we are east of Rochester but I'm originally from the Barker area and taught a long term sub position in Middleport (Music) umpteen years ago! So you are doing Gateway in June? That's when we are hoping to go. My email is
    It would be so fun to meet before we go!


  4. Sending prayers your way that all will go well for this HUGE transition you are preparing for. Any chance the girls will be back at gymnastics? They are just TOO cute!! :) Please take care, Cristy (Jenny's mom)

  5. I was soo excited to see you again in January. I can't wait till you are able to come abord and make this your home.

  6. hey a nanita. lydia rich who's commenting above -- i may or may not have met her, but me and kristina were friends with her husband. we worked at camp together. he also went to pbu a few years before i did. maybe lydia did too, i don't know. so you have lots of connections with them. and if you get a chance to talk to them, i say hi josh! carissa
