Sunday, November 15, 2009

2nd Yard/Porch Sale

Today we had a 2nd yard/porch sale to get rid of our last few pieces of furniture that needed to go. We were able to sell both Ray's and my desks and both Ray's and the girls' dressers along with the remaining rocking chair. The desks and the girls' dresser were very heavy so we had a friend come over early this morning to help Ray carry them outside. There is no way I could have done this. Apparently they had to lift Ray's desk over the upstairs stair railing to get it downstairs and sweat was dripping down Ray's face by the time they got it all the way outside! Thankfully today was in the 50s and though cloudy it was dry.

We know that people are concerned about our lack of furniture but it really isn't that bad. We just owned a ton of furniture to start with. Anytime someone had something they were getting rid of we would volunteer to take it and thus a house full of furniture, some nice, some not so nice. The air mattress we are sleeping on is comfortable, really. The hardest part is actually getting out of bed in the morning and realizing you have to stand up from the floor. Yes, we got rid of two couches and a love seat but we started out with 3 couches and 2 love seats! We had 3 rocking chairs and we had 5 dressers. We collect furniture, what can I say. Someone is throwing out a couch and we go and get it. It may not be in great shape but we stick it on the porch with a blanket covering it's flaws, you get the idea.

Right now we have a couch and a chair sitting out front of our house waiting for garbage day. It is so abused that no one will take it and so we will have to pay for the garbage company to take it away.

We are still waiting to hear back about our house. I really thought two of the families that came through our house last week were interested. I'm not very good at being patient.......

Our support is steadily climbing but not very fast. We are at 45% of our support for our training/airfare and we are at about 19% of our monthly support. We have to be at 75% monthly support to be able to go and live on the Africa Mercy. So there are a few things that have to happen in a short amount of time. Our house has to either sell or we have to find a good renter for it. And we need our monthly support to increase in a very short amount of time.

Please pray with us as we wait upon the Lord. And thank you so much for those of you who are already partnering with us financially and prayerfully. We are so grateful to you and your faithfulness.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen told me about that furniture by the curb :^) (Passed it on the bus.)
