We were also interviewed by our regional newspaper this week and they sent their own photographer out yesterday to take some family photos. I will let you all know when we make our appearance there.
We are still at 45% support which has been rather disheartening to me. No new support has come in in the past month but not for lack of trying on our part. We have sent out letters with our information in them to various churches and Ray has called many other churches. Most of them do not reply at all, a few respond by saying they are not taking on any new missionaries and are not interested in having us speak at their churches and then there are a couple of churches who are actually considering having us come speak. Please pray that God will raise up faithful supporters for us as we prepare to serve him in West Africa.
We need $900 a month more in order to be able to go. I have made it more convenient for those of you who want to donate on-line, there is a link at the top of this blog that will take you directly to our donation page. Any size gift is much appreciated!
Please continue to pray for the sale of our house to go through smoothly. I tend to be a nervous wreck about these kinds of things and need to just trust God in this particular matter.
We are excited about what is going on in Togo right now on the M/V Africa Mercy. Surgeries started up last week and several screenings have taken place. Our friends the Jacobsens whom we met in Texas last June have written about some of these things on their blog along with posting some great photos. Click here to see their blog.
Some of you may wonder what pre-missionaries do with their time...... pretty much the same things you do. Besides calling different churches and sending out letters Ray is still working as an Electronics Technician, I am still homeschooling Deborah and Anna and we are all still involved with our church AWANA program.
Last weekend we had our first sizeable snowstorm which really wasn't that much compared to other years but it's the best we got this year. Anna enjoyed just making snowballs.
While Deborah worked at building an igloo.
Both girls tried to swing on our swingset.
Ray worked hard at shoveling us out.
And two weekends ago we got a chance to do an overnight at a hotel in Niagara Falls, Canada that was attached to an Indoor Waterpark. We all enjoyed the outside pool! It was actually snowing and some kids were throwing snowballs into the pool. The Waterpark was on top of the Casino's parking garage so we were quite high up!
And the girls especially enjoyed the wave pool. I think Anna spent most of her time here while Deborah went down every single slide in the park. It was a great time for all of us.
Thanks for praying for us as we prepare to serve with Mercy Ships.